Terms of Use

The below is designed to assist with the use and reuse of images from the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) Collections Online platform.

Many of the images viewable are subject to copyright and therefore permissions are required for any use outside of this platform. Where images are MOTAT created these are generally for identification purposes but are also published under a Creative Commons CC BY licence. This is a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) and accompanies images of collection objects. MOTAT chooses to make these available for reuse, sharing and commercial use for any purpose, provided that the Museum is attributed.

Where rights have been established this will display on the object record page.

Example Rights Types


This is a Creative Commons CC BY licence (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0)), MOTAT chooses to make these images available for reuse, sharing and commercial use for any purpose, provided that the Museum is attributed.

All rights reserved

The work or image shown is subject to copyright and may not be copied, reproduced, used or shared without the copyright owner’s permission. Please contact us for further information on how to obtain permissions.

No known copyright restrictions

The work or image shown has no known copyright restrictions to the best of our knowledge, the Museum is unaware of any copyright restrictions, and can therefore be reused without permission. This is usually because the copyright term for the work has expired.

Copyright undetermined

This is usually due to an untraced rights owner and the work or image is therefore considered an orphan work. In this example MOTAT has reproduced the work after a reasonable and documented, yet unsuccessful, effort to trace the copyright owner. If you are the owner, or know who the owner is, of copyright material which you believe is available on this website in a way that constitutes an infringement of that copyright, or a breach of an agreed licence or contract, please contact us.

Takedown notice

While every effort has been made to find the copyright owners of all images made available on this platform, in some cases this has not been possible. MOTAT welcomes feedback and information from members of the public and has a takedown policy to remove any image from our platform where the copyright holder can be determined and has asked for this to be removed.

Reproduction requests

For permission to reproduce information on this website, for further information and clarification on what can be reused or for high resolution publishable copies, please contact the Collections Team via the Collections enquiry contact form.  Please be aware that some images may not be available for reproduction or reuse.

Image credits

Please follow the example here for how to credit an image: John Hansen Page. Ang John [ZK-CTU Aero Commander 100], PHO-2018-5.1.9. Walsh Memorial Library, The Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT). https://collection.motat.org.nz/objects/106702

Webpage credit – please follow the example here for how to credit a page from the Collections Online platform: “Explore the collection” MOTAT Collections Online. Accessed 29 May 2019. https://collection.motat.org.nz/explore